• Dedication
    • Thanking
    • Contents
    • Illustrations
    • Foreword
    • To the Reader
    • chapter one Introduction
      • The discovery of the copy
        • PARISIIS, Et Lugduni habentur.
      • Further study of the copy
      • Hot off the press
      • Despagnet
      • The copy described
      • Christian humanism
      • The annotations of Montaigne on the first two pages of the flyleaves
      • The pages of the flyleaves devoted to matter and ideas
      • ‘Perelegans’ : ‘very fine ’ poetry
      • Relligio and the Latin items
      • Deep roots of the Essais
      • Other editions, and intermediaries  ?
      • Contre la Religion Marginal annotations and pen-strokes
    • APPENDIXAn intellectual diary, or two sorts of Indices ?
    • chapter two Montaigne’s Lucretius Notes on the Pages of the Flyleaves
      • Front Flyleaf b
      • Front Flyleaf a
      • Comments on the matter, lists of Loci , and personal reflexions
      • After Flyleaf i
        • Lib. 1
      • After Flyleaf j (that is, the verso of the first After Flyleaf)
        • Lib. 2.
      • After Flyleaf k (The recto of the second After Flyleaf)
      • After Flyleaf 1 (The verso of the second After Flyleaf)
        • Lib. 3
      • After Flyleaf m (The recto of the third After Flyleaf)
      • After Flyleaf n (The verso of the third After Flyleaf)
        • Lib• 4•
      • After Flyleaf o (The recto of the fourth and last After Fyleaf)
      • Front Flyleaf d
      • Front Flyleaf e
        • Lib. 5.
      • Front Flyleaf f
      • Front Flyleaf g
        • Lib.6.
      • Front Flyleaf c
      • After Flyleaf h verso
      • After Flyleaf h recto
    • chapter three Montaigne’s Manuscript Comments or other Writings in the Margins of his Copy of the De Rerum Natura of Lucretius and in the Texts and Notes
      • The Errata
      • De Rerum Natura Title Page and Prelims
        • De Rerum Natura Liber Primus
        • De Rerum Natura Liber Secundus
        • De Rerum Natura Liber Tertius
        • De Rerum Natura Liber Quartus
        • De Rerum Natura Liber Quintus
        • De Rerum Natura Liber Sextus
    • chapter four Montaigne’s Quotations from Lucretius, and his Copy of De Rerum Natura
      • Quotations from De Rerum Natura in Book One of the Essais
      • Quotations from De Rerum Natura in Book Two of the Essais
      • Quotations from De Rerum Natura in Book Three of the Essais
      • The Four Quotations from De Rerum Natura on the Beams of Montaigne’s Library
    • Pages in Lambinus and their corresponding lines in Creech, Bailey-Loeb, and the Collection Budé
      • Book One of De Rerum Natura
      • Book Two of De Rerum Natura
      • Book Three of De Rerum Natura
      • Book Four of De Rerum Natura
      • Book Five of Re Rerum Nature
      • Book Six of De Rerum Natura
Montaigne’s Annotated Copy of Lucretius.…
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Pour citer ce chapitre :

Screech, Michael A..
Chap. « Page de titre () » in Montaigne’s Annotated Copy of Lucretius. A transcription and study of the manuscript notes and pen-marks.
Ed. Gilbert Botton.
Genève: Librairie Droz, 1998

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Travaux d’Humanisme et Renaissance
A transcription and study
of the manuscript, notes and pen-marks
With a Foreword by Gilbert de Botton
11, rue Massot
Copyright 1998 by Librairie Droz S.A., 11, rue Massot, Genève.
Version numérique : Copyright 2014 by Librairie Droz S.A., 11, rue Massot, Genève.
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