• Preface
    • Acknowledgments
    • 1. The Genesis of the Consistory Project
      • The Value and Uses of the Geneva Consistory Registers
    • 2. The Importance of Order and Discipline to Calvinists
      • Church Discipline and the Marks of the True Church
      • The Consistory in Practice
    • 3. Reforming Public Worship
      • Worship Before the Reformation
      • Preaching the Word
      • Hearing the Word
      • Reforming Prayer
    • 4. Reforming Religious Education
      • Education in Geneva Before the Reformation
      • Religious Instruction after the Reformation
    • 5. Reforming Marriage, Family and Sex
      • Three Lifestyles before the Reform
        • 1. The Celibate Clergy
        • 2. The Traveling Merchant
        • 3. The Nuclear Family
      • The Reformation of Lifestyle
      • Enforcing the Reformed Lifestyle
      • Forming and Reforming the Couple
      • Going forth and Multiplying : Control of Baptism
      • Adultery and Divorce
    • 6. Reforming Anger : Pacification and Control
      • Settling Disputes in Early-Modern Europe
      • The Consistory Intervenes
      • Hatred and Worship
      • Ceremonies of Reconciliation
      • Hatred Promoted
      • Control of Emotions : The Long-Term View
    • Conclusion : A Consistorial Balance Sheet
    • Bibliography
      • Abbreviations
      • Manuscript Sources
      • Printed Works
Reforming Geneva : Discipline, Faith and…
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Lambert, Thomas A. et Robert M. Kingdon.
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Genève: Librairie Droz, 2012

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Cahiers d’Humanisme et Renaissance
Robert M. Kingdon
Thomas A. Lambert
Reforming Geneva
Discipline, Faith and Anger in Calvin's Geneva
11, rue Massot
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