Voir les opérateurs
    • Mentions légales
    • Introduction
    • CHAPTER I Montaigne meets the censors
      • (i) Arbitrary censorship
      • (ii) Montaigne’s first meeting with the censors
      • (iii) Montaigne’s second meeting with the censors
    • CHAPTER II The language of the pagan poets
      • (i) The goddess Fortuna
      • (ii) Montaigne’s use of ‘fortune’ in the 1580 Essays
      • (iii) Montaigne’s defence of ‘human’ language
      • (iv) Montaigne’s practice after 1581
      • (v) Eternal fables and eternal truths
    • CHAPTER III The literary merits of a heretic poet
      • (i) Montaigne’s praise of Theodore Beza’s poetry
      • (ii) Montaigne’s defence of his praise of Beza
      • (iii) Allusions to Beza which Montaigne added to his book
      • (iv) Fabri’s handling of this issue
    • CHAPTER IV The statesmanship of a pagan statesman
      • (i) Montaigne’s defence of Julian’s statesmanship
      • (ii) Montaigne’s reaction to the censure
      • (iii) The zealous enemies of Tacitus
      • (iv) Burnings of books in the Reformation era
    • CHAPTER V On prayers and repentance
      • (i) The 1580 text of On prayers
      • (ii) Prayer and penitence
      • (iii) Montaigne’s additions to On prayers
      • (iv) The new chapter On repentance
      • (v) Penance and a chapter on Virgil
      • (vi) Montaigne and the practice of penitence
    • CHAPTER VI Humane executions
      • (i) Montaigne deplores inhumane executions
      • (ii) Enquiries that become cruel executions
    • CHAPTER VII Liberal education
      • (i) Being able to do anything
      • (ii) Liberal education
      • (iii) Willing the good
      • (iv) The universal man and the universal faith
    • CHAPTER VIII Authority and freedom
      • (i) Montaigne’s views on censorship
      • (ii) The operation of the censorship
      • (iii) Montaigne’s faith and Montaigne’s book
      • (iv) The Roman Catholic Church’s attitude to Montaigne
    • Bibliographical notes
    • APPENDIX The final version of the chapter On prayers
    • Table of contents
Montaigne and the Roman Censors
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Smith, Malcolm.
Chap. « Page de titre () » in Montaigne and the Roman Censors.
Genève: Librairie Droz, 1981

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Cahiers d'Humanisme et Renaissance
(anciennement Études de Philologie et d’Histoire)
Malcolm Smith

11, rue Massot

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