Introduction Frances Muecke and Maurizio Campanelli
Part I Context, Genre, and Purpose
La célébration des triomphes de Rome par Flavio Biondo dans la Roma instaurata et la Roma triumphans Anne Raffarin
The Genre(s) and the Making of Roma triumphans Frances Muecke
“Roma triumphans” and History: a Part of History, but not “History”?
“Roma triumphans” as a Compilation
Some Building Blocks
The Rapport between the Respublica Romana and the Respublica Christiana in Biondo Flavio’s Roma triumphans Angelo Mazzocco
Part II Mores et Instituta
Gentiles nostri : Roman Religion and Roman Identity in Biondo Flavio’s Roma triumphans Frances Muecke
The Religion of the Romans
Ancient and Modern
Biondo Flavio on the Roman Republic James Hankins
Un excursus umanistico sulle letterature dell’antichità: Biondo Flavio e i classici (Roma triumphans iv , pp. 96-100) Giuseppe Marcellino
Roman Military Discipline in Biondo Flavio’s Roma triumphans : Punishments and Rewards Ida Gilda Mastrorosa
Il libro IX della Roma triumphans : una querelle umanistica degli antichi e dei moderni? Maurizio Campanelli
Pyres, Villas, and Mansions: Architectural Fragments in Biondo Flavio’s Roma triumphans Peter Fane-Saunders
The Imperial Funerary Pyre
The Roman Villa
The City Mansion
Part III Reception
“Librariis certatim transcribere contendentibus”: la tradizione manoscritta e la prima ricezione della Roma triumphans di Biondo Flavio Maria Agata Pincelli
Triumphs and Triumphators in the Wake of the Roma triumphans Paul Gwynne
A Roman Triumph in 1472
Raffaele Maffei and the “Roma triumphans”
Pomponio Leto and the “Roma triumphans”
Annotations in Manuscripts and Early Editions
Pope Julius II as Classical “Triumphator”
Fulvio lecteur de Biondo : questions religieuses dans la Roma triumphans et les Antiquitates urbis Anne Raffarin
Le vocabulaire de la religion : Cicéron et Asconius Pedianus
La situation des lieux de fêtes religieuses : le Cirque Flaminien
Flavio Biondo and Later Renaissance Antiquarianism William Stenhouse
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Travaux d’Humanisme et Renaissance
The Invention of Rome
Biondo Flavio’s
Roma Triumphans
and its Worlds
edited by Frances M
and Maurizio C
11, rue Massot
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